Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 4: open lab

okay so todays blog prompt is to convince someone that computers are an important part of our life so ill try:

computers run our lives now its like we cant even turn around without finding something electronically related unless you are in a grocery store and you turn around and find lettuce.. i promise that lettuce is not a computer.. well at least i hope not....your phone is a computer laptops nooks ipads even your tv your radio everything without computers modern life would not be possible... so while your enjoying your life now imagine having no car and you had to walk everywhere you are a farmer and you only eat what you grow just imagine that and think about what computers have done for you.... computers are our excuse to be lazy therefore before you wish that you didnt have the computer because you think your too fat news flash get up and or else we can go back to the stone age where you would have to build your own house you dont have an air conditioner no car no phone you would be sweating all the go outside and embrace the fresh air because this isnt very interesting who knows what you might find outside you could like find a stick or something.... very interesting so dont worry about this blog go do something else!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


so today i got a lot done in alice and had a lot of fun through out the day we got really far on our nxt project and thats  really cool!!

todays prompt is to list 10 things that make  me happy:
1. Music
2. Friends
3.A good book
4. A nice drum set
5.Seeing family
6.Learning new things
7.Being different
8.Being friendly
9. Meeting new friends

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 2:Hunger games

umm so today is day two of my second week at camp and i am feeling great... today was a great day it was amazing we worked with lego nxt and we did a crime scene..... The crime scene was probably my favorite part!! It was great!! tonight it is the hunger game its gonna have a lot of fun it will be amazing and after the hunger games tonight ill make sure to do a follow up because i like blogging i never thought i would like blogging and its actually very fun!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

So here's my follow up today was a great day and the best thing this week is gonna be the blood spatter analysis and it will be so cool haha this week is gonna be great I hope everyone else has as much fun as I will kassie and I have a great idea for our alice project and I can't wait to present it

Day 1: Week Two

Today was amazing!! Today we got some new girls and they all look really nice!! Also today we did like a blanket challenge which was a pretty big challenge but my group came through and we did really well!! If you look at you can find a picture of my group accomplishing the impossible haha!! we had so much fun!! this week is gonna be great!!

Todays prompt is which quality or talent would make me famous one day.... and honestly i really dont know so ill ask kassie.... she said 'my singing voice' but i dont thik that is a good quality but i trust her judgement.....i  will admit that i do have a nice voice but i didnt think that it was good enough to get me famous but i guess thats pretty cool i would like to be a famous singer but really i wanna be a forensic scientist but you know if i could be famous i would be!!